If you plan to make a career in building construction, you need to obtain a White Card training to start your career graph as an owner or a builder. The training covers the most crucial part of construction safety. This training is mandatory and vital to ensure good safety practice
We live in a very dangerous world filled with dangerous machines and an ever existing probability of accidents that may occur. It is important to understand that human beings, in spite of being capable of great feats are still feeble, fragile bags of flesh. No matter how healthy we eat
A part-time job is the best possible way to earn some extra cash and pay bills. Part-time jobs allow you to utilize your spare time and make some savings from the money earned. Bars and clubs are excellent options to work part-time, have fun, and go home with added cash.
In this challenging world, people suffer on a daily basis as they are unable to effectively deal with stress. Their lack of capability of dealing with various psycho-social stressors affects them physically, mentally and socially. This can be attributed to unhealthy lifestyle choices, poor time management and lack of caution
A health safe supervisor is responsible to keep the workers and the property safe at all times. He inspects the workplace and figures out any problem that might cause harm to the site workers or damage the property they are working in. Therefore, maintaining safety during work is the main
There are a lot of companies selling their products and services to customers. In every industry, there are hundreds and thousands of companies selling the same type of products and services. Have you ever thought why customers prefer one above the other? The key point is satisfactory customer service. Satisfactory
In December 2019, the world first heard the news of a new virus spreading in China. Who would have guessed that the same virus would become such a huge pandemic, causing widespread fear and an economic meltdown? The COVID 19 pandemic has caused various businesses to go to loss and
Childhood is probably the best moment in most people’s lives. In fact, with the stress and pressure of the world gradually increasing, many times we ourselves wish we could be kids again or perhaps wish that we stayed as a kid instead of growing up. But growing up is an
It takes roughly 2 minutes to read a message sent through SMS. Isn’t so? A message sent through SMS is a practice that every individual has seen for years now. To be in touch with their customers the business needs to send updates about the company’s progress, any new additions,
CPR stands for Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and the phrase is familiar to most of us. CPR is a life-saving skill that you may need at any point in time. CPR training is not only restricted to medical professionals but a common man can master the CPR survival procedure to save lives