Course description: This SafeWork NSW approved 5-day Health and Safety Representative (HSRs) Course meets the requirements of the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulation 2017 for HSRs and deputy HSRs elected under the WHS Act 2017.
The course is intended for HSRs (including deputy HSRs) who have requested approved training under the WHS Act to assist them in performing their role and using their powers under the WHS Act. Participants will gain an understanding of their role and powers and attain the necessary skills to meet the requirements of the WHS Act for Health and Safety Representatives.
Course Structure
The course commences on Day 1 with an overview of the WHS legislative framework; duties of various parties and key terminology. The role of SafeWork NSW and penalties for non-compliance is also discussed.
Day 2 covers the requirements for consultation in the workplace on work health and safety issues and the mechanisms available. The role of HSRs and Health and Safety Committees (HSCs) and other available mechanisms for consultation is covered as well as entitlements and protections.
Day 3 of the course examines the consultative approach that can be used in resolving workplace health and safety issues through negotiation and conflict resolution and the skills HSRs can utilise to achieve successful outcomes. This day’s training also aims to provide participants with the skills and knowledge to identify hazards and ways in which they can be eliminated or minimised.
The learning outcomes of Day 3 are reinforced with a practical exercise on Day 4. Incident notification is discussed and activities demonstrating how HSRs can contribute to incident investigation are also undertaken.
On Day 5 participants are provided with the information and skills HSRs require regarding the issuing of Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs) and directing unsafe work to cease where negotiation and issue resolution has been unsuccessful or immediate action is required.
The course concludes with a summary and review of the course learning outcomes and discussion on sources of information that can assist HSRs in the continuous learning process.
A SafeWork NSW approved certificate will be issued to all participants who complete the entire course.
Participants who complete one or more topics (but not all topics) are
to be issued with a ‘topic completion certificate’ with details of the topics completed.
Course inclusions
All participants receive a comprehensive participant’s manual which contains
- full participant notes,
- copies of the presentation slides,
- Code of Practice for Consultation, Co-operation & Coordination,
- Worker Representation & Participation Guide.
Participants also receive a CD with a full copy of the WHS Act & Regulation, approved Codes of Practice and other useful work health & safety resources.
All participants are required to provide proof of identity prior to commencing the course.
The proof of identity documents must include the participant’s name and:
• photo (eg current driver’s licence, passport)
• signature (eg current driver’s licence, credit card).
Catch Training delivers HSR training under the auspices of the Workplace Safety Centre.